Sunday, April 26, 2009


conventions and events season is about to start for me. it'll begin in early may and finish in late november. i was gonna try to attend birmingham international comics show and the second show for the london mcm expo in october but instead am attending a wedding, brother's birthday and family reunion in far away lands. so all of october is out for me unfortunately.

begins next weekend on may 2nd at the 'they walk among us' comic shop in richmond for the comic free day event. will be sketching and signing from 1pm onwards with artists extraordinaire frazer irving and emma vieceli. please click on the banner below for more details to the event...

followed by the bristol comic expo on the 9-10 may 2009. i will be hanging out at the panini table and will also be sketching and signing at different intervals at the 45 table. i'll be there for the full 2 days. please click on the banner below for more details to the event...

immediately after that comes london mcm expo on 23-24 may 2009. please click on the banner below for more details to the event...

in early june, i've been invited to attend the 2D northern ireland comics festical in derry. although the event is from 04-06 june 2009, unfortunately i'm only able to attend from the 05 til the 06 of june due to work commitments. please click on the banner below for more details to the event...

in july, i'm finally attending my first ever right of passage initiation san diego comic con international from 23-26 july 2009. won't have a table as since its my first time, i just wanted to walk around and take it all in. apparently i've been told to be prepared to be overwhealmed... looking forward to it. please click on the banner below for more details to the event...

12 august 2009 will see me trying to run a workshop explaining about comic art and how to draw. good luck to me. it will be held at the erith library in kent. more details to follow closer to the date.

finally, closing out for the year of 2009, i will be attending on the 21 november 2009 the thought bubble leeds sequential art festival. again, i will be walking around as i won't have a table. please click on the banner below for more details to the event...

hope to see you there! :)

Saturday, April 25, 2009


did this for a mate's house warming. theme colours of gray, black, white and red... so there... :)